
PhD defence of Marcin Wołosiewicz, M.Sc.

On April 8, 2025 at 12:00 pm  at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, 3 Pasteur Street (room Jerzy Konorski on the second floor), a public defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the discipline of biological sciences by Marcin Wołosiewicz, M.Sc.  entitled: „Rola desaturazy stearoilo-CoA 4 w regulacji metabolizmu i funkcji mięśnia sercowego myszy" Supervisor: Prof. Paweł Dobrzyń, Ph.D., ...

Nencki Institute Seminar

On Thursday 20.03 in the CN lecture hall we will host dr. Eugenio Mancera (Cinvestav Mexico). His lecture will be entitled: "Transcriptional and Genomic Evolution in Yeasts”. The lecture will ...

PhD defence of Jan Węsławski, M.Sc.

On April 4, 2025 at 12:00 pm  at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, 3 Pasteur Street (room Jerzy Konorski on the second floor), ...

Nencki Institute Seminar

Dear All, On Thursday 13.03 in the CN lecture hall we will host dr hab. Przemysław Grudnik, Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University. His lecture will be entitled: Halfway ...