
SPARK Europe Webinar Series 2024

“From PhD to CEO: why I want to make an impact in science or business” 6 November 2024 | 4 – 5 pm (CEST) | Webinar   Join us for a webinar led by dr. med. Verena Schöwel, MBA and know her journey from clinical practice to co-founding the biotech company MyoPax with Prof. Simone Spuler. Their goal is to translate Prof. Spuler's pioneering muscle research into clinical practice. Dr. med. Verena Schöwel is the co-founder and CEO of MyoPax, specializing in myology and clinical ...

Nencki Foundation Lecture (in polish)

Wykład dr hab. Aleksandry Herman pt.: „Mózg, ciało, zachowanie, czyli o tym jak przewlekły ból wpływa na podejmowanie decyzji” odbędzie się 23 października 2024 r. o godz. 16:00 w Sali ...