Reporting Session of Nencki Institute Scientific Council
EMBO Core Facility Fellowship for dr. Milena Wiech
Dr. Milena Wiech got an EMBO Core Facility fellowship for the scientific exchange between the Laboratory of Cytometry at the Nencki Institute led by Katarzyna Piwocka and the Flow Cytometry Core ...European Commission RIA Hop-on Grant for Prof. Grzegorz Sumara
The European Commission HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) – Hop-on Facility grant was awarded to the group led by Prof. Grzegorz Sumara from the Nencki Institute of Experimental ...Professorial Nomination to Katarzyna Piwocka
On February 5th, 2025, The President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda has given the title of professor of natural sciences to dr. hab. Katarzyna Piwocka
Katarzyna Piwocka leads the ...Stanfordzki program SPARK dla biomedycyny już w Polsce. Nabór do 20 marca
Do Polski zawitał opracowany na Uniwersytecie Stanforda program mentoringowy dla zespołów naukowych, które mają pomysł na nową terapię, potencjalny lek, szczepionkę, test diagnostyczny lub inny ...