Prime Minister’s Award for Piotr Majka
The Medical Research Agency grant for Prof. Jakub Włodaczyk
Prof. Jakub Włodarczyk, leading the Laboratory of Cell Biophysics, has received funding from the Medical Research Agency to research „BRAKE-TRD - Biomarker Research for Assessing Ketamine ...Project SPARK Poland
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS is launching a project issued by the Minister of Science and Higher Education entitled "Establishment of a Mentoring Program – based on the SPARK ...The National Science Centre grants for the Nencki Institute
The National Science Centre has announced the ranking lists of projects approved for funding in the DAINA call. Funding was awarded to a project submitted by prof. Ewelina Knapska. The project ...8th International PhD Students Conference
On October 8 and 9, 2024, the 8th International PhD Students Conference took place at the Nencki Institute. This year’s event was organized by Dominika Malińska, Beata Siemiątkowska, Anna Beroun, ...