
New Group Leader at the Nencki Institute

Dr. Ali Jawaid has recently joined as a senior group leader at the Center of Excellence for Neural Plasticity and Brain Disorders (BRAINCITY). He will be heading the research group ‘Translational Research in Neuropsychiatric Disorders (TREND). Dr. Ali JAwaid’s research will focus on the interplay between epigenetic and metabolic factors in pathogenesis and inheritance of brain disorders. TREND lab aims to answer the critical question of how environmental exposures and life ...

Admission to the Nencki Institute

Nencki Institute announces admission to Warsaw Doctoral School of Natural and BioMedical Sciences Warsaw-4-PhD for the academic year 2020/2021. We offer: - possibility to obtain a ...

ETIUDA grants for the Nencki Institute

The National Science Centre Has announced the ranking list of Project approved for funding In ETIUDA 8 call for doctor al scholarships. From the Nencki Institute the financial suport ...