
Scientific Session “Biology of behaviour of the domestic dog”

On Monday 14th May 2018, the Nencki Institute hosted a scientific session „Biology of behaviour of the domestic dog”, organized as a part of the celebrations of its 100th anniversary. The session was organized by Anna Gadomska and Katarzyna Patej („Z PSEM W PEŁNI”), Polish Ethological Society and Nencki Institute. The Organising Committee included three members from the team of the Laboratory of Ethology within the Nencki Institite, Prof. Ewa J. Godzińska, Dr. Julita Korczyńska ...

Open Day at the Nencki Institute

On May 9th at the Nencki Institute, there was an organized Open Day. The event opened with dr hab. Monika Liguz-Lęcznar, deputy Director for scientific research. Information on doctoral studies ...