
The National Science Centre grants for the Nencki Institute

The National Science Centre has announced the following ranking lists of projects approved for funding in the  MINIATURA 8 call. Funding was awarded to a project submitted by dr Monika Żochowska.   MINIATURA 8 dr Monika Żochowska - The protective role of mitochondrial potassium channels in the damaged and pro-inflammatory reaction in bronchial epithelial cells in response to lunar dust - regolith?

EMBO sectoral meeting

For the first time Nencki Institute hosted the EMBO Sectoral Meeting, focused on metabolism and lipid biology. It was organized by Grzegorz Sumara from Nencki Institute PAN and Karolina ...

1st Nencki Conference for Life Sciences

We are pleased to announce the inauguration of a new series of international scientific conferences - Nencki Conference for Life Sciences. These meetings will be devoted to different topics, and ...

In memory of Professor Stefan Kasicki

Profesor Stefan Kasicki i badania ośrodkowej sieci lokomocji   Prof. dr hab. Stefan Kasicki urodził się w Łodzi. Studia wyższe ukończył w roku 1973, na Wydziale Fizyki Uniwersytetu ...