The day of January 30th , 2018 was the last day of the exhibition "Bioimagine: Inspiration of Invisible World?” at the Nencki Institute PAS. However, on January 17th , 2018 the Director of the Institute prof. Adam Szewczyk, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Nencki Institute PAS, established a new library collection under the name: "Nencki Art Collection". The task of the collection is not only to write down the graphics/works already owned by the Nencki Institute, but also to include a dozen of images that were transferred to the Institute by the artists after the symposium/workshop "Bioimagine: Inspiration of Invisible World?”, which took place in September 2017 at the Nencki Institute Hydrobiological Station in Mikołajki. "Nencki Art Collection" is also the beginning of a contemporary art collection of the Nencki Institute. At the same time prof. Adam Szewczyk gave Maciej Wierzbicki's workto the Nencki Art Collection. The works of the "Nencki Art Collection" collection will be used during various Art &Science initiatives by the Nencki Foundation for Biological Sciences Fosterage.