Nencki Institute Seminar

Dear All,

On behalf of the Technology Transfer Office, I would like to cordially invite you to the next Nencki Institute Seminar which will take place on Thursday, April 11th at 3pm in the CN lecture Hall. We are pleased to invite all interested parties for lecture and open discussion with Professor Leszek Kaczmarek and the leaders of the bio-pharmaceutical company Pikralida - Dr. Stanisław Pikul, Dr. Anna Krauze, and Dr. Joanna Lipner.
This is a unique opportunity to learn about  the importance and benefits of industry and academia collaborations as well as breakthrough therapeutic solution preventing the development of post-injury and post-stroke epilepsy .

All started in basic research. The basis for selecting a drug candidate was research concerning the role of MMP-9 protein, which was conducted by Professor Leszek Kaczmarek and his team here, at Nencki Institute. The next step was establishing cooperation with Pikralida, which undertook the commercialization of Professor Kaczmarek's invention. Currently, the company has completed phase I clinical trials within the framework of the EpiFix project, in which Nencki Institute was a partner.
We encourage participation and acknowledge your input during discussions both by the end of the lecture and during the discussion session after the lecture which will be moderated by Dr. Dorota Gierej-Czerkies (Nencki Institute Technology Transfer Office) and will take place in the CN event hall.
Hope to see you all there,
Date of publication
5 April 2024
Date of event
Nencki Institute