Dear All
I am delighted to invite you to a lecture by Prof. Bożena Kamińska-Kaczmarek on the 2nd of December at 3pm.
Prof. Kamińska has recently been awarded the 2021 FNP Prize in life and earth sciences for the discovery of mechanisms that cause malignant gliomas to reprogram immune cells in such a way that they promote the development of these brain tumors. Prof. Kamińska will describe these discoveries during the upcoming lecture.
The meeting will take place in hybrid mode. Please join us either in person (number of seats will be limited, wearing a mask will of course be mandatory), or connect with us via zoom using the following link:
Meeting ID: 982 2223 1110
Passcode: 795926
**The seminar will be followed by a get together in the exhibition hall.**
Best regards
Aleksandra Pekowska