Nencki Institute Seminar

Dear All

It is my great pleasure to invite you to the next (7th April, at 3pm) Nencki Institute Seminar. We will host Daniel Colón-Ramos, Professor of Neuroscience and Cell Biology at the Yale University, who will give a lecture entitledIn vivo subcellular compartmentalization of glycolytic proteins in neurons.



Although much is known about the biochemical regulation of glycolytic enzymes, less is understood about how they are organized inside cells. We examine the dynamic subcellular localization of glycolytic proteins in Caenorhabditis elegans and determine that endogenous PFK-1.1 localizes to subcellular compartments in vivo. In neurons, PFK-1.1 forms phase-separated condensates near synapses in response to energy stress. PFK-1.1 condensates exhibit liquid-like properties, including spheroid shapes due to surface tension, fluidity due to deformations, and fast internal molecular rearrangements. Glycolytic enzymes colocalize to condensates, suggesting the ad hoc formation of a glycolysis compartment that is distinct from stress granules. Local formation of the glycolytic metabolon is dependent on presynaptic scaffolding proteins, and disruption of the glycolytic metabolon blocks the synaptic vesicle cycle, impairs synaptic recovery, and affects locomotion. Our studies suggest that under energy stress conditions, energy demands in C. elegans synapses could be met locally via the ad hoc assembly of a glycolytic compartment that sustains synaptic function and behavior.


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Best regards

Date of publication
1 April 2022
Date of event