Dear All
I would like to cordially invite you to the Nencki Institute seminar which will take place on the 29th of September at 3 pm. We will host dr Marek Wypych, from the Laboratory of Brain Imaging. His habilitation is processed by the Scientific Council of the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology. He will present his lecture in a hybrid mode entitled: "Neural and behavioral mechanisms underlying self-regulation disorders - lessons from research of trait procrastination”
Self-regulation (SR) is the essential human ability associated with quality of life in many domains including mental and physical health, relationships quality, and even personal finances. Individuals with low SR often engage in maladaptive behaviors like substance abuse, excessive gaming, gambling, procrastination etc. In my research I focused on procrastination - a tendency to irrationally delay intended actions despite expecting negative consequences. Trait procrastination is estimated to affect 15-20% of the total population making it one of the most common self-regulation disorders.
I will present results of our studies in which we compared high (HP) and low (LP) procrastinating subjects on behavioral and neural measures related to coping with emotions, error-processing and learning from punishments.
Our fMRI study employing monetary Go/No-go task revealed impaired error-processing i.e. lower error-related activity of the anterior cingulate cortex in the HP group. Additionally, contrary to LP group, HP subjects showed no increase of prefrontal cortex activity during the monetary punishment condition, suggesting impaired ability to intensify executive-control in emotionally challenging contexts.
These results led us to a question if procrastination is related to impaired learning from errors and punishments. To address this, we conducted a behavioral study in which HP and LP students took part in a monetary probabilistic reversal learning task with separate reward and punishment conditions. Using classical models of learning we found HP subjects to show lower learning and lower exploration rates during the task, especially under the punishment condition.
Obtained results suggest that impaired learning from punishments in people with procrastination tendency may prevent them from correcting their behaviors and add to the persistence of procrastination. I will also argue that impaired learning from failures may constitute one of transdiagnostic mechanisms underlying also other SR disorders.
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Temat: Nencki Institute Seminar (habilitation lecture)
Czas: 29 wrz 2022 02:30 PM Warszawa
Co tydzień w Czwartek, 2 wystąpienia
29 wrz 2022 02:30 PM
6 paź 2022 02:30 PM
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