Nencki Institute Seminar

Dear All

I would like to cordially invite you to the Nencki Institute Seminar which will take place on the 6th of October at 3 pm. We will host dr Rafał Czajkowski from the Laboratory of Spatial Memory. His habilitation is processed by the Scientific Council of the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology. He will present his lecture in a hybrid mode entitled: "The mechanisms of memory formation in the retrosplenial cortex"


After five decades of research dedicated to cementing the central role of hippocampus in spatial memory, cortical regions became the focus of attention in the XXI century. One of the key structures that draws growing interest is the retrosplenial cortex. In my talk I will present evidence suggesting parallel and complementary roles of retrosplenial cortex and hippocampus in the process of memory formation. Retrosplenial area undergoes experience-dependent plasticity during spatial learning, a process manifested by patterned and cell-specific expression of immediate early genes. It sends projection to deep layers of medial entorhinal cortex where it converges with the hippocampal output and gets integrated into the spatial processing circuit. Hippocampus and retrosplenial cortex exhibit differential patterns of activity during the process of spatial memory acquisition. The presented evidence for anatomical and functional relationships between these two regions allows for drawing an updated model of the spatial memory circuit.

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Temat: Nencki Institute Seminar (habilitation lecture)
Czas: 29 wrz 2022 02:30 PM Warszawa
Co tydzień w Czwartek, 2 wystąpienia
29 wrz 2022 02:30 PM
6 paź 2022 02:30 PM
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Identyfikator spotkania: 936 4306 8383
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Date of publication
30 September 2022
Date of event
hybrid mode