Nencki Institute Seminar

I would like to cordially invite you to the Nencki Institute Seminar which will take place on the 22nd of February at 3pm. We will host prof. Tomáš Čižmár. He will present his lecture entitled: "How to image anywhere in the brain through 100mm thin fibre".


Light-based in-vivo brain imaging relies on the transportation of light through highly scattering tissues over long distances. As scattering gradually reduces imaging contrast and resolution, it becomes challenging to visualize structures at greater depths, even when using multiphoton techniques. A recently proposed strategy involves the exploitation of holographic control of light transport through multimode optical fibres, which promises superior imaging performance combined with uniquely atraumatic application. Following the review of the fundamental and technological bases, the talk will introduce a 110 μm thin laser-scanning endo-microscope, which enables volumetric imaging of the entire depth of the mouse brain in vivo.

Brief biography:

Tomáš Čižmár is a professor of Wave Optics at the Friedrich-Schiller University and the head of the Fibre Research and Technology department of the Leibniz-Institute of Photonic Technology in Jena. Further, he leads the group of Complex Photonics at the institute of Scientific Instruments in Brno. Throughout his scientific career he took part in a variety of inter-disciplinary projects in Bio-Medical Photonics, mostly related to optical manipulation, digital holography, and microscopy. His recent research activities are focused on Photonics in optically random environments (particularly multimode fibres) and deep-tissue in-vivo imaging.


The lecture will be followed by a get together.

With best wishes
Tomasz Wypych

Date of publication
17 February 2024
Date of event
Nencki Institute