Brain Imaging Meeting

Dear Colleagues,

we would like to cordially invite you to the upcoming Brain Imaging Meeting organized by Laboratory of Brain Imaging (LOBI) and Laboratory of Language Neurobiology (LLN).

The seminar will take place on Wednesday 29.03.2022 at 3:00 PM, and will be fully online via zoom (link bellow).

During the seminar Illia Kuznietsov, PhD (Laboratory for Computational Cognitive Neuroscience at Purdue University; Human and Animal Physiology at Volyn National University, Lutsk, Ukraine) will present a talk entitled:

"Interaction between working memory performance and social decision-making: an ERP study"


The effects of working memory (WM) performance remain uderestimated in social decision-making studies. The mechanisms of working memory are anatomically and functionally related to the mechanisms of behavior inhibition. From the evolutionary point of view, an increase of computational demands for social decision-making correlated with the increase of the complexity in human society. This should result in development of working memory system. We suggest that working memory performance should correlate with the level of altruism - subjects prone to altruistic behavior should show larger WM capacity. To test this hypothesis, we recorded the evoked electrical activity of the brain in 70 subjects (33 female) aged 18-22 years under the following experimental conditions: Dictator Game (the subject acted as Proposer), Ultimatum Game (the subject acted as Proposer), the 2-Back WM test, the Sternberg WM test. The total amount of money that the subject shared during the Dictator Game or Ultimatum Game conditions was considered as the behavioral correlate of altruistic behavior, and the FRN (Feedback-Related Negativity) magnitude was considered as neurophysiological correlate of social interaction. The percentage of errors in WM tests was considered as behavioral correlate of WM performance, and the amplitude of the P3 component was considered to reflect WM load. Our results show that, contrary to the working hypothesis, subjects with more expressed altruistic behavior have a higher FRN amplitude. However, the P3 amplitude was also higher in the group of altruistic subjects in the Sternberg test. On the other side, the amplitude of the N2-P3 complex in the 2-Back task was higher in individualistic subjects. Behavioral results in WM tests showed that subjects with individualistic behavior have higher WM performance in both the 2-Back task and the Sternberg test. Thus, subjects with individualistic behavior show higher WM performance.

To join please use the following link:

https://zoom.us/j/94591383139?pwd=V2VnYm9EbHFhbE5IUGNiaE1Uc3FPdz09 Passcode: 762331


See you there!
Brain Imaging Meeting Team

Data publikacji
23 marca 2023
Data wydarzenia