Nencki Institute Seminar

Dear all

This Thursday, March 25th, at 3pm, Prof. Andrzej Januszewicz, head of the Department of Hypertension at the Stefan Wyszyński Institute of Cardiology in Warsaw, will give a lecture entitled: Fibromuscular dysplasia - rediscovered arteriopathy with multiple clinical presentations


Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is a non-atherosclerotic vascular disease that can involve medium-sized muscular arteries throughout the body. The majority of FMD patients are young and mid-aged female.

Although a variety of genetic, mechanical, and hormonal factors play a role in the pathogenesis of FMD, overall, its cause remains poorly understood.  It is probable, that the pathogenesis of FMD is linked to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Extensive studies have correlated the arterial lesions of FMD to histopathological findings of arterial fibrosis, cellular hyperplasia, and distortion of the abnormal architecture of the arterial wall.

More recently, the vascular phenotype of lesions associated with FMD has been expanded to include arterial aneurysms, dissections, and tortuosity - however, in the absence of a string of beads or focal stenosis, these lesions do not allow to establish the diagnosis.

While FMD most commonly involves the renal and cerebrovascular arteries, involvement of most arteries throughout the body has been reported. Increasing evidence highlights that FMD is a systemic disease affecting and that subclinical alterations can be found in non-affected arterial segments.

Recent significant progress in FMD-related research has led to improved understandings of the disease’s clinical manifestations, natural history, epidemiology, and genetics.

Ongoing work continues to focus on FMD genetics and proteomics, physiological effects of FMD on cardiovascular structure and function, and novel imaging modalities and blood-based biomarkers that can be used to identify subclinical FMD.  It is also hoped that the next decade will bring the development of multi-centred and potentially international clinical trials to provide comparative effectiveness data to inform the optimal management of patients with FMD.

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Best regards,

Data publikacji
22 marca 2021
Data wydarzenia