Seminarium Instytutu Nenckiego

Dear All,

On Thursday 16.01 in the CN lecture hall we will host Katarzyna Oktaba, PhD (Cinvestav, Mexico). Her lecture will be entitled: " Genome topology in Drosophila". The lecture will take place at 3 p.m. in the CN lecture hall and it will be followed by a get together.



Gene expression is tightly regulated in space and time during animal development. This regulation depends on the interaction between enhancers and promoters to activate target genes. Our laboratory investigates how these regulatory elements, encoded in the linear DNA sequence, are arranged within the three-dimensional architecture of the nucleus. Using Drosophila as a model organism, we aim to decipher the role of enhancers and genome topology in establishing the precise gene expression patterns required for proper fruit fly development. We are also interested in the mechanisms driving genome topology, the functional consequences of its alterations, and how this topology evolves across different species.


Tomasz Wypych

Data publikacji
10 stycznia 2025
Data wydarzenia
Nencki Institute, CN lecture hall