Dear all,
I am very glad to announce that Nencki Institute is the host of the next meeting within European SPARKs joint webinar series “Innovator Café”. The webinar will take place on April 28th, 16-17 CET.
As a reminder, during the series we bring experienced entrepreneurs and young CEOs together, talking about the Dos and Don’ts of entrepreneurship, sharing their success stories and biggest failures as well.
The Guest of the upcoming meeting is Dr. Dawid Nidzworski, who is on his way to become a serial entrepreneur in the field of diagnostics as he has already established SensDx and GeneMe. He started his scientific career in the field of virology but early on became interested in the implementation of scientific results into viable products.
The series of webinars is open for all students and employees of SPARK associated organizations (Nencki Institute PAS and International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw).
Registration to the webinar is required in advance. Please register at:
latest on April 27th. With later registrations, access cannot be guaranteed. There are a limited number of places available and they are filled in in the order of registration.
Join us for our Innovator Café with Dr. Dawid Nidzworski!
Best regards,
Paulina Santus