Szanowni Państwo,
W dniu 23 czerwca br. o godz. 15:00 odbędzie się wykład dr. Michała Boli, którego postępowanie habilitacyjne odbywa się przed Radą Naukową Instytutu Nenckiego.
Tytuł wykładu: "The limits of unconscious processing: is unconscious perceptual integration possible?"
What is the function of consciousness? Classic theories assume that unconscious processing is rather simple and automatic, and that awareness of a stimulus is necessary in order to perform more advanced perceptual and cognitive operations. However, there is a growing body of evidence that various “high-level” functions – like advanced perceptual integration, working memory, or even executive control - might in principle operate in the absence of awareness. These findings call for a closer examination of the relation between consciousness, and perceptual and cognitive mechanisms.
In my talk I will discuss my recent work on unconscious perception. Specifically, I will present studies investigating whether complex visual stimuli - like faces, objects, or scenes – can be processed without awareness. Results these studies shed light on the capabilities and limitations of our “unconscious mind”.
Link do wykładu:
Meeting ID: 950 7911 3844
Passcode: 386986