On February 1, 2022, Prof. Agnieszka Dobrzyn was appointed, through an open competition, for a second term (2022-2026) as Director of the Nencki Institute PAN. The appointment was handed over by the President of PAN, Prof. Jerzy Duszynski.
As her deputies, Prof. Dobrzyn appointed:
Dr hab. Krzysztof Nieznański - I Deputy for Scientific Affairs
Dr hab. Monika Liguz-Lęcznar - II Deputy for Scientific Affairs
Tomasz Koczyk, M.Sc. - Deputy for Organizational Affairs and Development
Prof. Agnieszka Dobrzyn, Ph.D., is head of the Laboratory of Cell Signaling and Metabolic Disorders at the Nencki Institute. Since 2022 she is a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
The scientific output of prof. A. Dobrzyn consists of 126 publications, which were cited 3393 times (index H=32). The title of Professor of Biological Sciences, Prof. Agnieszka Dobrzyn was awarded in December 2015. She received the Award of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding scientific achievements, twice in 2016 and 2020. Research conducted by Prof. A. Dobrzyn concerns signaling pathways and changes in the regulation of gene expression characteristic of cell metabolism disorders and diabetes pathogenesis. These works allowed to discover a new pathway regulating insulin secretion, and to define mechanisms of adaptation of pancreatic islands to insulin resistance accompanying the development of type 2 diabetes. Prof. A. Dobrzyn is the author of patents concerning the creation of an innovative method for early diagnosis of insulin resistance and new therapies for diabetes. She has received several prestigious grants for her research, including EMBO-Installation Grant, TEAM of the Foundation for Polish Science, Sonata-Bis of the National Science Center, Marie Sklodowska Curie COFUND grant (Horizon 2020), STRATEGMED of the National Center for Research and Development.