Research Station in Mikolajki is a field base of the Institute for behavioural, metabolic, biochemical and molecular research as well as for educational activities. It offers access to modern, well-equipped laboratories and conference rooms. Taking advantage of the unique potential of the Research Station infrastructure, we conduct here experimental research in natural or semi-natural habitat.
Research group of Dr. Ulf Bauchinger investigates the fundamental links between metabolism and environment. Research group of prof. Ewelina Knapska investigates the social behaviour of mice.
The station is also the location for National Centre for Advanced Analysis of Biological and Biomedical Imaging, created within the NEBI project, obtained under the Intelligent Development Operational Programme and offering a state-of-the-art integrated platform for multidimensional imaging of biological processes, as well as advanced IT infrastructure for data collection and processing.
More about Station: Research Station In Mikolajki