Scientific Picnic of Nencki Institute

On May 20, 2022, after a two-year break caused by a pandemic, the Scientific Picnic of the Nencki Institute took place. It was combined with the presentation of the Marceli Nencki Prize, awarded to outstanding scientists with whom we have had long-term scientific cooperation.

The scientific part of the event began with the lecture of this year's laureate, Prof. Salem Chouaib (Institute de Cancerologie Gustave Rousssy, France), entitled: "Influence of hypoxic stress on anti-tumor cytotoxic response and impact on cancer immunotherapy".

The lecture was followed by a ceremony of awarding statuettes - doctorate cum laude - to graduates of the Institute, who defended their doctorates with distinction between 2019-2022 (full list of honorees).

The Director of the Institute, Prof. Agnieszka Dobrzyn, also gave a solemn farewell to two long-serving employees of the Institute's administration (Mrs. Teresa Skórzynska and MSc Jan Bienias), who retired after several decades of work.

The official part was followed by a picnic in the Institute's gardens.

Thank you and see you next year!

Date of publication
25 May 2022