Scientific Equipment
Device for imaging transparent objects
Patent inventors: Łukasz Bożycki, Kacper Łukasiewicz, Paweł Matryba

Tissue optical clearing is a method that renders it transparent, thus allows for the unobstructed penetration of the laser light through the entire specimen. In practice, it opens new avenue for imaging of the entire both isolated organs and clarified bodies of laboratory rodents. This, in turn, might facilitate observation of their structural modifications in ample scenarios or detection of pathological tissues, such as calcifications or tumors.

The subject matter of the patented invention is development of the light sheet microscopy-based device that allows for precise, high-throughput imaging of transparent organs and rodent bodies. Moreover, the device was combined with polarizers that allow rapid, unobstructed detection of tissue parts characterized by a distinct optical density.

Patent was granted in Poland and Nencki Institute is the sole applicant.

For more information contact Technology Transfer Office.

Application number:
P.423173 (16 Oct 2017)
Patent number:
PL 233602 (09 Jul 2019)
Patent status: