We are very pleased to announce that Dr Agnieszka Dobrzyn, who is one of the new group leaders working at the Nencki Institute, has received a very prestigious grant award: The European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) Installation Grant. The award is financed within the EMBO Young Investigator Programme. Dr Dobrzyn has been selected as one of only 9 grant recipients across Europe. All of the awardees will become members of a network of the best young independent scientists in Europe – the EMBO Young Investigator Network. The 50 000 EUR a year grant (for a maximum of five years) is meant to enable young, extraordinarily talented scientists to establish their own laboratories and launch their own research programmes. Apart from the financial support, every awardee can take advantage of participating in the EMBO Young Investigator Programme, which means: participation in annual and focus meetings, EMBO mentorship, sponsored lectures at international symposia, sponsored PhD courses for students working with the awardee, among others. We view this success of Dr Dobrzyn as a great accomplishment of her and our Institute, and we hope that it will act as inspiration for other ambitious young researchers who plan their scientific careers in Poland.