13. Scientific Picnic of the Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Centre

On 30th of May 2009 the 13th Scientific Picnic was held under motto „SCIENCE AMONG THE STARS”. On the New Town Square and Podzamcze Areas more than 250 institution from 21 countries presented their scientific goals and achievements. Like in previous years the Nencki Institute took part in this event and prepared series of presentations under the common title: „EARTHLY BODY, SPIRIT FROM THE STARS”. Our events were organized by the staff of three Nencki Institute’s Laboratories:

Lab. of Psychophysiology (boss prof. A. Grabowska)
Paweł Tacikowski

Lab. of Neuropsychology (boss prof. E. Szeląg)
Justyna Mędygrał
Anna Oroń
Aneta Szymaszek

Lab. of Molecular Bases of Aging (boss prof. E. Sikora)
Olga Alster
Anna Bielak-Żmijewska
Magdalena Dudkowska
Anna Karpa
Zbyszek Korwek
Monika Kusio
Grazyna Mosieniak
Katarzyna Piwocka
Marta Wincenciak
Kamila Wolanin

The visitors had the opportunity to engage in a variety of tests measuring their emotional reactions as well as their memory and physical proficiency.

Posters presenting the latest results of ongoing studies enabled the public to familiarize themselves with complex neurobiological processes.

The guests also took part in the demonstrational version of the reaction times test when identifying different types of first and last names. Their task was to pretend they did not know their own name (an ability to inhibit automatic reactions was measured). After the test the guests received a certificate confirming the suitability to be the successor of James Bond.

A special attractions was also a small laboratory, where the simple utensils were presented.

While all presentations were warmly received by the visitors, it was particularly exciting to watch the enthusiasm of younger participants, who e.g. pipetted color lotions to the various tubes.

All participants, organizers and guests, of the 13th Picnic promised to meet a year hence.

dr hab. Anna Wasik coordinator

Date of publication
24 June 2010