Core Facility Leader recruitment

The call for applications for Bio-Imagine Core Facility Leader positions has been closed on 15th July, 2011. We had received 6 applications for MRI Brain Imaging (MRI) core facility leader position, and 12 applications for Advanced Light Microscopy (ALM) core facility leader position. Candidates with the highest score have been selected for personal interviews. On the short list there are applicants from such distinguished institutions as Harvard Medical School, EMBL, University of Minnesota or Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. As a part of the agenda individual (one applicant at a time) presentations open to public will be given. The presentations will include a self-presentation of each shortlisted candidate’s qualifications and achievements, motivation to apply for the position, as well as their vision and expectations of core facility deployment.
Open interviews for the positions of Core Facility Leaders for the new Neurobiology Centre of the Nencki Institute will be held at the premises of the Institute on September 12 (candidates for MRI leader position) and 13 (candidates for MRI leader position), 2011.

Interview agenda is available at:

more information:

Date of publication
9 September 2011