Recent studies, including those from the Kaczmarek laboratory, have shown pivotal role of MMP-9, extrasynaptically released protease acting on local extracellular matrix, in neuronal plasticity underlying physiological and pathological information processing and storage by the brain (see: Nagy et al., J. Neurosci., 2006; Okulski et al., Biol. Psych., 2007; Wilczynski et al., J. Cell Biol., 2008; Michaluk et al., J. Neurosci., 2009; J. Cell Sci., 2011; Konopka et al., J. Neurosci., 2010; for review: Rivera et al., J. Neurosci., 2010). The present project aims at explanation of the role of MMP-9 in emotional learning, alcohol addiction and schizophrenia. The major research aims of this project involve mapping of MMP-9 activity and expression in the rodent brain (with advanced molecular probes, including transgenic tools); testing the role of MMP-9 in the animal learning, alcohol addiction and schizophrenia (behavioral studies); bioimaging of subcellular morphological changes in the synaptic plasticity.
Requirements for postdoctoral candidates are:
• Strong interest in brain research, especially in understanding the brain-mind connection
• PhD degree (or equivalent) in molecular biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, physics/biophysics, chemistry, biology, psychology, medical or veterinary sciences, and no more than four years of post-doctoral training (candidates defending their Ph.D. thesis shortly after the application deadline, and before the start date of the employment contract, are eligible to apply)
• Excellent publication record
• Exceptional motivation for scientific research (demonstrated via joint publications, references of the candidate’s thesis tutor, previous post-doctoral positions other than the PhD awarding institutions)
• Proficiency in English
The application should contain the following documents/information:
• CV
• Letter-of-intent
• 2 letters of reference
• Copy of PhD diploma (or equivalent)
• Contact information, including e-mail address and phone number
• The candidates may include additional information or copies of documents/certificates in support of the application.
Applications in English (pdf format) may be uploaded on-line:
Application deadline: April 20, 2012
Short-listed candidates with the highest score will be selected for personal interviews. Interviews will take place at the Nencki Institute in the mid of May 2012.
Start date: June 2012
Stipend amount: 6 000 PLN/month
Further information available at: and
Requirements for PhD student candidates are:
• Strong interest in brain research, especially in understanding the brain-mind connection
• Master of Science degree (or equivalent) in molecular biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, physics/biophysics, chemistry, biology, psychology, medical or veterinary sciences or related fields, obtained not later than June 2012
• Exceptional motivation for scientific research (demonstrated in former education record, additional courses completed, list of publications and conferences attended, previous scientific experience, references of the candidate`s thesis tutor, letter-of-intent)
• Proficiency in English
The application should contain the following documents/information:
• CV
• Letter-of-intent
• 2 letters of reference
• Copy of University MSc diploma or equivalent, if available
• Copy of official transcript of student record
• Contact information, including e-mail address and phone number
• The candidates may include additional information or copies of documents/certificates in support of the application, such as: additional letter(s) of reference, a list of publications, conferences and courses attended, additional skills, certificates of language proficiency, etc.
Applications in English (pdf format) may be uploaded on-line:
Application deadline: April 20, 2012
Short-listed candidates with the highest score will be selected for personal interviews. Interviews will take place at the Nencki Institute in the mid of May 2012.
Start date: June 2012
Stipend amount: 3 500 PLN/month
Further information available at: and