The workshops were organized by: KAWA.SKA Company and Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology represented by Laboratory of Confocal Microscopy in cooperation with Leica Microsystems GmbH Germany.
The purpose of the meeting was to familiarize participants with the research capabilities of equipment in Laboratory of Confocal Microscopy: TCS SP5 STED and AF7000, as well as to present the new Leica confocal microscope, TCS SP8, installed currently in the Institute as a demo system.
Top class professionals from Italy, Germany and Nencki Institute shared their knowledge and experience with the participants of the workshops.
The theoretical part (opened) included seven lectures:
1. Basics of Confocal Microscopy – Jarosław Korczyński
2. Leica TCS SP8 – the new confocal platform – Paolo Sapuppo (Leica Microsystems GmbH)
3. Time Resolved Microscopy – Tytus Bernaś
4. Advanced Microscopy in Neurobiology – Grzegorz Wilczyński
5. Approaches for imaging in biological systems using advanced fluorescence microscopy – Wojciech Brutkowski
6. Super resolution: STED basic and news – gateable technology – Giuseppe Vicidomini (University in Genua)
7. Tunable Confocal Imaging – Bettina Griesshaber (Leica Microsystems GmbH)
The practical part (only for pre-registered participants) was conducted by:
Betting Griesshaber – presentation of the TCS SP8, Wojciech Brutkowski – research on living cells with use of AF7000 microscope, and Jaroslaw Korczynski – TCS SP5 STED, superresolution.
The practical training was attended by 43 people from several Institutes and Universities in Poland.