
The Nencki Award 2018 for prof. Jacek Gaertig

Professor Jacek Gaertig, from the University of Georgia in Athens, USA, has been awarded the Nencki Prize 2018. This award was established by the Scientific Council of the Institute, to honor outstanding scientists who work with scientists from the Nencki Institute. On 31st May 2019, in the Lecture Hall of the Neurobiology Center of the Nencki Institute, a ceremony was held, during which the President of the Competition Chapter, Prof. Bożena Kamińska-Kaczmarek, and the Director of the ...

Nencki Institute Marches for Science

On 12th May 2019, a March for Science took place, organized by several scientific and popularizing organizations and associations, with Scientists and PhD students of the Nencki Institute taking ...