Justyna Osmulska
Prime Minister’s Award for Piotr Majka
Nencki Institute Seminar
Dear All,
On Thursday 21.11 in the CN lecture hall we will host Dr Glenn Radice. His lecture will be entitled: "Mechanisms Linking Cell Mechanics and Cardiac Regeneration". The lecture will ...Nencki Foundation Lecture (in polish)
Wykład dr Joanny Wojsiat pt.: „O relacji umysł - ciało. Stres a układ nerwowy, słowo o psychosomatyce i psychoneuroimmunologii” odbędzie się 20 listopada 2024 r. o godz. 16:30 w Sali ...The Medical Research Agency grant for Prof. Jakub Włodaczyk
Prof. Jakub Włodarczyk, leading the Laboratory of Cell Biophysics, has received funding from the Medical Research Agency to research „BRAKE-TRD - Biomarker Research for Assessing Ketamine ...PhD defence of Mateusz Kostecki, M.Sc.
On behalf of the Scientific Council of the Nencki Institute, we would like to kindly invite you for a public PhD defence of Mateusz Kostecki, M.Sc. entitled “Social transmission of information ...