The Project aims at enhancing the research potential of the Nencki Institute, improving its position as a regional competence centre in bio-imaging and fostering the Nencki interactions with leading research partners in Europe.
Project duration: 42 months
BIO-IMAGINE work programme consists of 8 interrelated Workpackages that will enable our Institute to achieve the project objectives.
WP1 – Increasing Human Potential by means of recruiting 11 post-docs, 1 group leader and 1 core facility manager
WP2 – Sharing of Know-How and Technologies through Networking assuring twinning between each of the selected Institute’s laboratories with 14 European partner laboratories
WP3 – designed to stimulate Innovation and Technology Transfer
WP4 – Improvement of Research Capacity by purchasing specific research equipment
WP5 – Conferences and Workshops (six workshops, three small-to-medium size conferences and two satellite symposia to larger meetings will be organized)
WP6 – Promotional Activities and Dissemination of Knowledge
WP7 – Project Management
WP8 – Evaluation of the Institute achievements by a team of independent experts appointed by the EC
The Management Committee of the Project consist of: the Project Coordinator –
Prof. Adam Szewczyk, the Director of the Institute; Project Manager – Ms. Marta Rucinska,
a specialist at the Office of International Cooperation and Project Management, Project Support Team and all Work Package Leaders.
A project Steering Committee will be formed consisting of the following internationally renowned scientists and representatives of other stakeholder groups: Prof. Richard Frackowiak from UNIL-CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland; Prof. Benjamin Geiger from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel; Prof. Daniel Choquet from the CNRS-Universite de Bordeaux 2, France; Prof. Daniela Corda from the Consorzio Mario Negri Sud, Italy; Prof. Paolo Pinton from the University of Ferrara, Italy; Dr. Stefan Diez from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany; Dr. Rainer Pepperkok from the EMBL Heidelberg, Germany;
Dr. Gabor Lamm from the EMBLEM GmBH, Heidelberg, Germany; Prof. Jacek Kuznicki from the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Warsaw, Poland; Ms. Anna Wisniewska from the National Contact Point, Warsaw, Poland and Prof. Jerzy Duszynski from the Nencki Institute, Warsaw, Poland – the Steering Committee Chairman.