The BD FACSAria I™Cell Sorter, which the Laboratory of Cytometry is equipped with, was upgraded to BD FACSAria IIu system. It is a first easy-to-use benchtop cytometer which delivers high-speed sorting and multicolor analysis. It is equipped with a fixed-alignment flow cell cuvette which provides superior fluorescence sensitivity. It can simultaneously detect up to 11 parameters (2 scatter signals and up to 9 fluorescent parameters) by utilizing 3 air-cooled, solid state lasers (available laser outputs at 405nm, 488nm and 633nm) and a fixed optical alignment system allowing for multiple configurations and a wide range of fluorochromes. The FACSAria allows for digital acquisition rates of up to 70,000 cells per second. The BD FACSAria is able to sort into two- and four-way bulk sorting devices for a variety of tube sizes (micro-tubes, 12 x 75ml test tubes, 15ml falcon tubes). The cytometer can sort using Automated Cell Deposition Unit (ACDU) to multi-well plates or on the microscope slide. The sorter is equipped with an Aerosol Management System that evacuates any aerosols from the sort chamber and has a refrigeration system that allows cooling of the sort sample. The FACSAria workstation is equipped with BD FACSDiva software that is used for the collection, storage, and analysis of digital data.
BD FACSDiva software
Form of cooperation:
Usage according to hourly price list. Time-slots should be agreed in advance, individual pricing for larger projects is required.Contact:
Milena Wiech, PhD
Agata Kominek, MSc