The online Scientific Session „Ethology and behavioural sciences: yesterday, today, tomorrow” was held in honour of the 30 year jubilee of activities of the Polish Ethological Society (PTEtol.) on 4th December 2021. The first General Assembly of the Polish Ethological Society took place on 21st November 1991. The session was organized jointly by the Polish Ethological Society, and the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS.
The scientific programme of the Session included four comprehensive lectures:
* Ewa Joanna Godzińska, Julita Korczyńska, Anna Szczuka (Laboratory of Ethology of the Nencki Institute) „30 years of activities of the Polish Ethological Society: our mission, our history, our people”;
* Lucyna Hałupka (Ornithological Station of Wroclaw University, Ruda Milicka) „50 years of the research on the Eurasian reed warbler in the Milicz Ponds: discoveries, surprises and open questions”;
* Kinga Stępniak (Department of Ecology, Faculty of Biology at the University of Warsaw) „Wolf-dog interactions: molecular and experimental approach”;
* Kacper Jerzy Piwowarek (Faculty of Biology at the University of Warsaw and Laboratory of Ethology of the Nencki Institute) „Ethology of cockroaches and termites: great unknowns and directions of future research”.
The participants of the Session included the members of the Polish Ethological Society and other persons interested in behavioural sciences