Veterinary care
Our animals are looked after by a veterinarian, Anna Zajfert, who is also the Head of the Animal House in the Nencki Institute.
Medical veterinary care is aimed at ensuring the health and welfare of animals, as well as maintaining an appropriate sanitary standard. For this purpose, regular monitoring animal health is carried out for the detection of pathogens in accordance with the FELASA guidelines (Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations) in renowned research laboratories in the European Union.
All the animals bred in our Animal House currently have SPF status (specific pathogen free) – see the latest tests results
The tasks of the veterinarian in the Animal House also include:
– tests of animals brought in from external suppliers
– medical and veterinary assistance during experiments
– making decisions about the elimination of individuals for whom treatment or restore their welfare is not possible
– providing advice and training in basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology of laboratory animals and pharmacology and toxicology.