Legal acts and procedures


Pursuant to the Law on Employee Capital Plans, which was passed by the Parliament on October 4, 2018 and came into effect on January 1, 2019 the Institute has signed an agreement to manage the Employee Capital Plan (ECP). The institution managing the ECP for the Institute will be Nationale-Nederlanden Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne S.A., which was selected on the basis of criteria that take into account the interests of employees and accepted by trade union organizations.

The ECP is a universal, private and voluntary long-term savings system. Savings are built jointly by employees, employers and the state. The main objective of the ECP is to supplement future pension benefits with additional savings to ensure a decent life in retirement, since according to estimates by experts our pensions in a few decades may amount to only 30% of our last salary.

The first ECP contribution will be collected from salaries paid out in April 2021.

The ECP is a voluntary savings plan, so at any time during the program an employee may cancel participation and sign out from the plan. The HR Department will begin accepting applications from March 1, 2021.

We cordially invite you to take part in the information meeting on the ECPs. During the meeting experts from Nationale-Nederlanden will answer detailed questions concerning saving in the ECP.

The meeting will take place on February 23 at 11 am via MS Teamsplatform.

Join on your computer or via mobile app.

Click here to join the meeting.