A young unit at Nencki Institute, which was created as a response to the need for efficient ways of the Institute’s resources translation into innovative solutions. Office’s aim is to support transfer of these ideas and solutions to benefit the society. One of the key responsibilities of the Office is to initiate and support the process of knowledge and technology commercialization at Nencki Institute. Our activities include:
- popularization of good practices of knowledge commercialization process among Institute’s employees and students;
- support in management of intellectual property developed by our scientist;
- coordination of intellectual property protection processes including patenting in cooperation with patent attorneys;
- preliminary evaluation of ideas’ and solutions’ commercialization potential;
- contact point for business-science cooperation and negotiation support;
- support in seeking for business partners.

Before you publish your results or submit a poster or give a talk, ask yourself 3 simple questions:
- Do I want to support the society with my ideas and translate them into practical solutions (products or services)?
- Can I use my results in a practical solution?
- Are my results new in the view of the current knowledge?
If the answer to any of the above is “YES”