The theme of the meeting was “Developing Connections Between Neuropsychology and Neuroscience”. This theme has been selected to stimulate the submission of work that focuses on integrating clinical/applied approaches and experimental approaches to neuroscience.
Around 500 participants from 37 countries attended the meeting.
The conference was preceded by Continuing Education Workshops focusing on translational aspects of scientific achievements to clinical neuropsychology.
Scientific Program Committee Co-Chairs: Anna Grabowska & Peter Arnett
Director of Continuing Education: Jennifer Manly
Local Steering Committee Chairs: Emilia Lojek & Piotr Wolski
Special events coorganized/co-sponsored by the Nencki Institute:
1. Plenary lecture by Małgorzata Kossut: Learning Induced Brain Plasticity
2. Invited Luria/Konorski Symposium
The intention of this symposium was to look from the perspective of the modern science on Luria and Konorski
ideas that were the milestones in the development of neuroscience and neuropsychology.
Charles Gross, Princeton University, USA
Bogdan Dreyer, University of Sidney, Australia
Elkhonon Goldberg, NYU School of Medicine, USA
Tatiana Akhutina, Moscow State University, Russia
Anita Cybulska-Kłosowicz from the Nencki Institute was a winner of Nelson Butters Award – presented for
the best submission by a postdoctoral fellow: “Involvement of Retrosplenial and Anterior Cingulate Cortex in
Classical Conditioning”: Co-authors: A. Brzezicka, R. Zakrzewska, M. Kossut