Head of laboratory

PhD Students

Asset 1 a.datta@nencki.edu.pl
Asset 1 j.wrobel@nencki.edu.pl

Research profile

The main activity of the group is development of computational tools and models, and using them to understand brain structure and function. We analyze and model electrophysiological, behavioral and imaging data from mice, rats, opossums, cats, marmosets, and humans. An important part of our activity is the development of neuroinformatics infrastructure for storage and processing of histological information and creation of histology-based 3D brain atlases from different input sources (http://www.3dbars.org/).

Mark Hunt group’s research combines electrophysiology and pharmacology. They are particularly interested in the effects produced by ketamine, and related psychoactive compounds, on oscillatory activity recorded in the rat brain.

Current research activities

  • development and application of methods to reconstruct brain activity at different scales from various measurements of extracellular potential (LFP, ECoG, MEA), in particular reconstruction of current sources in the human brain from combined SEEG and ECoG recordings;
  • development and application of methods to analyze behavioral data from intelligent animal cages (EcoHab, IntelliCage);
  • development and application of methods to process and integrate multimodal imaging data (MR, histology, tracing, brain atlas data).
  • investigate the possible mechanisms and functional consequences on abnormal high frequency oscillations (130-180 Hz) in the rat brain

Selected publications

Głąbska  H.,  Chintaluri  H.C.,  Wójcik  D.K.  (2017)  Collection  of  simulated  data  from  a  thalamocortical network model. Neuroinformatics, 15: 1.

Puścian A., Łęski S., Kasprowicz G., Winiarski M., Borowska J., Nikolaev T., Boguszewski PM., Lipp H-P., Knapska E. (2016) Eco-HAB– fully automated and ecologically relevant assessment of social impairments in mouse models of autism. eLife doi: 10.7554/eLife.19532.

Majka P., Chaplin T.A., Yu Hsin-Hao, Tolpygo A., Mitra P.P., Wójcik D.K., Rosa M.G.P. (2016) Towards a comprehensive atlas of cortical connections in a primate brain: Mapping tracer injection studies of the common marmoset into a reference digital template. J Comp Neurol, 11: 2161-2181.

Ness T.V., Chintaluri C., Potworowski J., Łęski S., Głąbska H., Wójcik D.K., Einevoll G.T. (2015) Modelling and analysis of neural electrical potentials recorded in microelectrode arrays (MEAs). Neuroinformatics, 13(4):403-426.

Głąbska H., Potworowski J., Łęski S., Wójcik D.K. (2014) Independent components of neural activity carry information on individual populations, PLoS One, 9(8):e105071.