Managing Innovation 2013

The event took place on January 17-18, 2013 in Foksal Press Centre in Warsaw, addressing the general topic on When and how to create & finance Life Science start ups.

The conference featured case studies and success stories relayed both by Polish and international entrepreneurs and scientists. Best practice examples from abroad and practical solutions for the Polish legal and financial environment were presented along with possible solutions to eliminate the main bottlenecks and limitations in the Polish system. Along with the successful researcher / entrepreneur perspective the conference provided a Venture Capital/Investor view on success factors in securing investment and building company value.

The invited speakers and panelists featured CEOs, CTOs and founders of successful high-tech companies, scientists, invetnors, and entrepreneurs, investors, venture capitalists and life science consultants, university and funding agency leaders, such as the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) and the Mazovia Region (MJWPU).

The event gathered almost 200 attendees at the venue and almost 100 viewing the conference through live broadcast over the Internet.


The Conference was financed from BIO-IMAGing in research INnovation and Education Project at the Nencki, supported by the EU FP7 Capacities Programme (Research potential).

Date of publication
7 November 2012