The main goal of the program is the support of young researchers’ mobility by financing their post-doctoral trainings in foreign scientific centers.
The aim of the project of dr Gabriela Mochol is to understand the relation between brain state, circuit dynamics and neuronal correlations and to quantify their impact on the representation of sensory information in the cortex. It will be conduct in IDIBPAS in Barcelona under supervision of dr Jaime de la Rocha.
The project of dr Dorota Wypych concerns studies of the role of GPR17 receptor (activated by extracellular nucleotides and cysteinyl-leukotrienes) in microglial cell function and to test if and how the receptor contributes to the regenerative response occurring after brain lesions. It will be realized in UNIMI in Milan and supervised by prof. Maria Abbracchio.
The both Laureates start their projects on 1st October and have received the financial support for 1.5 and 2.5 years, respectively.