Nencki Institute Supports Ukraine

The Nencki Institute community deeply condemns Russia's bestial attack on Ukraine. To show our support for our colleagues from Ukraine, we undertake aid activities, directed mainly to scientists.


1. we offer our Ukrainian colleagues accommodation in guest rooms of the Institute in Warsaw and at the Research Station in Mikołajki.


2. we offer space for experimental research and scientific work in the laboratories of the Nencki Institute Contact:

3. we participate in the program of support of cooperation with Ukraine, launched by the Polish Academy of Sciences under the agreement with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The program enables to cover costs related to travel and stay of Ukrainian scientists in the Polish Academy of Sciences units for 3 months, with the possibility of extension.



Ukrainian scientists who do not have scientific partners in PAN units may contact the Office of International Cooperation of PAN at or Mr. Mateusz Białas, acting director of the representation of PAN in Kyiv (e-mail address:


More information about the program can be found at:

Date of publication
4 March 2022