24 czerwca br. o godz. 15:00 w sali im. Jerzego Konorskiego na II piętrze budynku głównego odbędzie się wykład habilitacyjny dr. Jana Kamińskiego (Pracownia Neurofizjologii Umysłu, Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. M. Nenckiego, PAN) pt.: “Neuronal mechanisms of working memory - human single-neuron recordings”. Jego postępowanie habilitacyjne odbywa się przed Radą Naukową Instytutu Nenckiego PAN.
Working memory is a fundamental cognitive capacity, serving as the basis for mental calculation and inference—it acts as the mind's notebook. Using single-neuron recordings, we can delve deep into the neuronal mechanisms underlying this cognitive capacity. In my lecture, I will present results from a series of studies using human single-neuron recordings, where, for the first time, persistent activity was established as the neuronal basis for maintenance in working memory in humans. Furthermore, I will describe the interaction between the firing rate of neurons and neuronal oscillations during working memory tasks. Additionally, I will explore the interaction between working memory and long-term memory, as well as the more general neuronal architecture of this cognitive function.