SPARK Europe Education Webinar
Invitation for a lecture of prof. Thomas Graf
Dear All
I would like to invite you to a seminar that we are organizing on the next Tuesday, September 13th at 3pm in the CN Lecture Hall at the Nencki Institute.
We will host prof ...Invitation for a lecture of prof. Martin Vingron
Dear All
I would like to invite to you a lecture that we organize on the 12th of September at 2pm in the CN Hall at the Nencki Institute. We will host prof. Martin Vingron, head of ...SPARK Europe Education Webinar
Dear All,
After a short break, we are back with the new European SPARK Education Series, Fall 2022 Edition. Nencki Institute as a representative of SPARK Poland within SPARK Europe would like ...SPARK Europe Education Webinar
Dear All,
Nencki Institute as a representative of SPARK Poland within SPARK Europe would like to cordially invite you to participate in the last webinar of European SPARKs joint series - Spring ...