
SPARK Europe Education Webinar

Dear All, Nencki Institute as a representative of SPARK Poland within SPARK Europe would like to cordially invite you to participate in the next webinar of European SPARKs joint series, Fall 2022 edition, on October 12th, 16-17 CET. In this SPARK Europe Webinar titled „EQIPD – a Quality Management System with Industrial Standards for Preclinical Research” Dr. René Bernard will shine a light on the hallmarks and latest developments of the EQIPD QS (Enhancing Quality In Preclinical ...

SPARK Europe Education Webinar

Dear All, After a short break, we are back with the new European SPARK Education Series, Fall 2022 Edition. Nencki Institute as a representative of SPARK Poland within SPARK Europe would like ...

SPARK Europe Education Webinar

Dear All, Nencki Institute as a representative of SPARK Poland within SPARK Europe would like to cordially invite you to participate in the last webinar of European SPARKs joint series - Spring ...