
SPARK Europe Education Webinar

Dear All, Nencki Institute as a representative of SPARK Poland within SPARK Europe would like to cordially invite you to participate in the next webinar of European SPARKs joint series on November 24th, 16-17 CET. During the „Team Building and How to Establish a Company in Health Technology” webinar, Pasi Sorvisto will provide some advice and perspectives on the very important process of building a relevant and competent team for a health tech company. Pasi is a founder of SPARK ...

Seminarium Doktorantów

Szanowni Państwo, Serdecznie zapraszamy na pierwsze Seminarium Doktoranckie, które odbędzie się 19 listopada o godz. 10.30 w Sali Konferencyjnej CN (I piętro). W programie przewidziane są 2 ...