
Transatlantic Systems Neuro Seminar

Hello! It's my pleasure to invite you to the next Transatlantic Systems Neuroscience Seminar. It will be held on  Wednesday, June 9th, 3:30 PM Polish time (9:30 AM EST). Our guest will be Gabrielle Girardeau (INSERM), with a talk entitled  Neural mechanisms for memory and emotional processing during sleep. Please find the abstract below.  The address is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/194382755?pwd=NUlaQVo4b0xLVE0xNGJmSDhoenA3Zz09 The password is nol1917. Best, TSNS ...

SPARK Europe Education Webinar

Dear All, Nencki Institute as a representative of SPARK Poland within the SPARK Europe would like to cordially invite you to participate in the next webinar of European SPARKs joint series on ...