SPARK Europe Education Webinar

Dear All,

Nencki Institute as a representative of SPARK Poland within SPARK Europe would like to cordially invite you to participate in the last webinar of European SPARKs joint series - Spring 2022 edition, on July 6th, 16-17 CET.

In this SPARK Europe Webinar titled „Commercial Use of Health Related Data” Prof. Dr. Sylvia Thun, will shine a light on the hallmarks of options in using health related data, besides academic purposes. Our guest is a professor of Digital Medicine and interoperability and director of the core unit of eHealth and interoperability at the Charité/BIH, Berlin.

The series of webinars is open for all students and employees of SPARK-associated organizations (Nencki Institute PAS and International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw).

Registration for the webinar is required in advance. Please register at:


latest on July 5th. With later registrations, access cannot be guaranteed. There are a limited number of places available and they are filled in in the order of registration.

As a reminder, the webinar series takes place on the first Wednesday of the month at 16 -17 CET and covers topics from design thinking to challenges in selling complex high-tech products from top-quality speakers around Europe and the US.

Please find attached a flyer with details of the webinar. Release information for the Fall 2022 edition coming soon.

Data publikacji
29 czerwca 2022
Data wydarzenia