SPARK Europe Innovator Café  

Hidden tips for success in healthcare

10 May 2023 | 16-17 CET | panel discussion


SPARK Europe invites you to our next Innovator Café where the panellists, who have been bench-scientists not too long ago, will reveal what it is like when a scientist turns into an entrepreneur and give insights on valuable lessons learned and pitfalls they came across along the way.

Our panellists will be:

  • Paola Occhetta, PhD - the CEO of BiomimX S.r.l.Their technology, Beating Organs-on-Chip, unlocks human pre-clinical models reflecting clinical complexity, towards the design of effective treatments tailored for patients.
  • Giovanni Manfredi who holds a PhD in materials science and is the CEO of Novavido S.r.l., developing and commercializing a medical device which can substitute photoreceptors damaged by retina degenerations and bring new light in the life of people who lost their sight.

And two gentlemen from Corticale - first OEM neurotech company dedicated to the development and production of implantable neuroelectronic CMOS devices brain research instrumentation and bioelectronic medical device:

  • Fabio Boi - CTO, a robotic engineer who holds a PhD in brain machine interfaces. In Corticale he deals with the development of business production processes and the quality control of products.


  • Gian Nicola Angotzi - CSO, an electrical and electronic engineer, who holds a PhD in electronic and computer science. In Corticale deals with electronic development and the creation of new concepts that will drive the technological evolution of the company.


Join us on 10th of May at 16:00 CET and register here!

Registration to the webinar is required in advance.

Data publikacji
29 maja 2023
Data wydarzenia