It's my pleasure to invite you to the next Transatlantic Systems Neuroscience Seminar. It will be held on Wednesday, March 17th, 3:30 PM Polish time (9:30 AM EST).
Our guest will be Jan Kamiński (Nencki Institute), with a talk entitled Human Single-Neuron recordings reveal neuronal mechanisms of Working Memory.
The address is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/194382755?pwd=NUlaQVo4b0xLVE0xNGJmSDhoenA3Zz09
The password is nol1917.
Human Single-Neuron recordings reveal neuronal mechanisms of Working Memory.
Working memory (WM) is a fundamental human cognitive capacity that allows us to maintain and manipulate information stored for a short period of time in an active form. Thanks to a unique opportunity to record activity of neurons in humans during epilepsy monitoring we could test neuronal mechanisms of this cognitive capacity. We showed that firing rate of image selective neurons in Medial Temporal Lobe persists through maintenance periods of working memory task. This activity was behaviorally relevant and formed attractors in its state-space. Furthermore, we showed that firing rate of those neurons phase lock to ongoing slow-frequency oscillations. The properties of phase locking are dependent on memory content and load. During high memory loads, the phase of the oscillatory activity to which neurons phase lock provides information about memory content not available in the firing rate of the neurons.