Zaproszenie na wykład dr. Piotra Majki

15 czerwca 2023 r. o godz. 15:00 w sali Centrum Neurobiologii odbędzie się wykład dr Piotra Majki (Pracownia Neuroinformatyki, Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. M. Nenckiego PAN) pt.: "Cortico-cortical connectivity atlas of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)". Jego postępowanie habilitacyjne odbywa się przed Radą Naukową Instytutu Nenckiego PAN. 



The nervous system is formed by a network of interconnected neurons, which exchange information via patterns of electrical activity and neurochemical signals. The picture suggested by current studies of brain connectivity is one of a complex network organized according to specific rules. Investigating these patterns in the primate cortex is particularly challenging due to its complex mosaic of areas, which often lack clear boundaries.

I will present studies constituting my habilitation scientific achievement: A resource for exploring the results of almost 150 tracer injections registered to a stereotaxic space of the marmoset brain. This will be followed by examples of novel studies that the connectome enabled: I will highlight the purely spatial (parcellation-free) analyses that led to the identification of putative homolog of default mode network A in human. I will also demonstrate how neuronal tracing data can constrain and improve the accuracy of dMRI tractography.

Finally, I will briefly address ongoing research on the plasticity of visual pathways and neuronal composition after lesions of the primary visual cortex in young and adult marmosets.

Data publikacji
6 czerwca 2023
Data wydarzenia
Nencki Institute