In the digital repository of the scientific institutes (RCIN) the thousandth publication from the Nencki Institute Library collection was. It is: The Universe and man. The history of wildlife research and use its forces for the benefit of wildlife, collective work edited by Hans Kraemer, translated by Stanislaw Kramsztyk. The book was edited in Warsaw, 1905, by the famous encyclopedia publishing house S. Orgelbrand and Sons. The richly illustrated volume contains mainly a collection of chapters on geology and geophysics.
The Nencki Institute Library digitalized collection contains 190 books, 781 journals and around 50 other types of publications. Among them are the full-text versions of the journals published by the Institute during the 95 years of activity: Acta Biologiae Experimentalis, Hydrobiological Station in Wigry Reports, Archives of Hydrobiology and Fisheries and some of the most valuable Library collections.
On RCIN pages we also popularize the achievements of the Institute employees. Here you can read, in addition to the earlier digitized books by prof. Bogusław Żernicki, prof. Leszek Kuźnicki, prof. Jerzy Konorski, selected works by prof. Elżbieta Fonberg, prof. Jerzy A. Chmurzyński and prof. Jan Dembowski.
We are pleased to inform that in the statistics of the entrance to the website throughout the project RCIN, the leaders are digitized in our Library:
- Modern biology and the theory of evolution Ericha Wasmanna (Londyn 1910) - 1 place, 75000 entrence
- Acta Biochimica Polonica (t. 21) - 4 place, 32000 entrence.
RCIN website